Vertical integration with all B2B project stakeholders - leading industry manufactures, logistics partners, insurance and financing companies etc.

Buyers will find an intuitive discovery process and receive instant quotes enabled by machine learning, price optimization using multi-level online bid process and payment automation.

Suppliers will have access to a new digital B2B distribution channel and sell in the markets that were previously out of reach, by leveraging our online workflow and collaboration tools.

We use SaaS workflow software to focus action around longer-term projects.

Build our market network using  blockchain, machine learning technologies

Finally we will do fundamental changes in industry, digitize all processes in commercial equipment, including shelving, shopfitting, retail furniture, office equipment, etc

We’re the first B2B marketplace for the commercial equipment industry.

Unlike two-sided marketplaces, we’re a vertically integrated Market Network, with all possible project stakeholders present here incl.

logistics partners, assembling companies, WMS/Retail software, insurance and financing companies etc.

We act as the one-stop-shop where buyers, sellers and service providers can manage long-term projects in one place.

    Largest catalogue selection from leading industry manufactures

    Online sourcing and purchasing process

    Built-in RFP process and pricing transparency

    Multi level bidding and payment automation

    Project Management tool

    New digital B2B distribution channel to sell in markets that were previously out of reach

    Partnerships with marketplace 3rd party providers to deliver end-to-end services.

    Referral leads to build long standing relationships

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